
Heldreth, Courtney, Ellis Monk, Alan Clark, Candice Schumann, X Eyee, and Susanna Ricco. 2024. “Which Skin Tone Measures are the Most Inclusive? An Investigation of Skin Tone Measures for Artificial Intelligence” ACM Journal on Responsible Computing.

Schumann, Candice, Femi Olanubi, Auriel Wright, Ellis Monk, Courtney Heldreth, and Susanna Ricco. 2024. “Consensus and Subjectivity of Skin Tone Annotation for ML Fairness” Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NEURIPS) 36.

Iveniuk, James Jocelyn Wilder, and Ellis Monk. 2023. “The Threefold Path to Equity” The Gerontologist.

Irizarry, Yasmiyn, Ellis Monk, and Ryon J. Cobb. 2023. “Race-Shifting in the United States: Latinxs, Skin Tone, and Ethnoracial Alignments” Sociology of Race & Ethnicity.

Monk, Ellis. 2022. “Inequality without Groups: Contemporary Theories of Categories, Intersectional Typicality, and the Disaggregation of DifferenceSociological Theory.

Monk, Ellis, Jerry Kaufman, and Yadira Montoya. 2021. "Skin Tone and Perceived Discrimination: Health and Aging Beyond the Binary in NSHAP 2015" The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Social Sciences.

Monk, Ellis, Michael H. Esposito, and Hedwig Lee. 2021. "Beholding Inequality: Race, Gender, and Returns to Physical Attractiveness in the U.S." American Journal of Sociology.

Monk, Ellis. 2021. "The Unceasing Significance of Colorism: Skin Tone Stratification in the U.S.A." Daedalus.

Monk, Ellis. 2021. "Colorism and Physical Health: Evidence from a National Survey" Journal of Health & Social Behavior.

Monk, Ellis. 2020. "Linked Fate and Mental Health among African Americans" Social Science & Medicine.

Jerel M. Ezell, Dana Pasquale, Shirish Poudyal, Sameena Azhar, Ellis Monk, Mahesh Vidula, Vijay Yeldandi, Edward Laumann, Chuanhong Liao & John A. Schneider. 2019. "Are skin color and body mass index associated with social network structure? Findings from a male sex market study" Ethnicity & Health.

Monk, Ellis. 2018. "The Color of Punishment: African Americans, Skin Tone, and the Criminal Justice System" Ethnic and Racial Studies.

Monk, Ellis. 2016. "The Consequences of 'Race and Color' in Brazil" Social Problems.

Monk, Ellis. 2015. "The Cost of Color: Skin Color, Discrimination, and Health among African-Americans" American Journal of Sociology.

Monk, Ellis. 2014. "Skin Tone Stratification among Black Americans, 2001-2003" Social Forces.